GermProof is Made in the USA!
This is not a hand sanitizer, it is SO much more!
We advise ordering more than one as shipping for multiples is the same as one!
What you put on your skin, you should be able to ingest & should be non-toxic! Your skin is your biggest organ and absorbs everything you put on it!
Long-lasting ALL NATURAL dual purpose wound and burn healer, disinfectant, hand sanitizer and so much more! GermProof® neutralizes viruses and bad bacteria only, in seconds and keeps on protecting for hours! Use also on feet, inside ear canals, and nasal cavities to stop incoming airborne bacteria and viruses as it provides lasting protection for hours at a time! Use it also on; wounds, burns, sunburn (prevents peeling), psoriasis, insect bites (stops the itch instantly), razor nicks and razor burn, infections, acne, eczema, warts, and even counters. Use it on pets too for fast healing of just about anything!
Promotes quicker, healthier healing when used on wounds, burns, sunburn, acne, ezcema, warts, psoriasis, and many other ailments. Creates a long-lasting barrier to dangerous bacteria and viruses for hours at a time & for 24 hours on hard surfaces!
The GermProof® Difference - Non-Toxic, ALL NATURAL & Safe for all ages, including young children! MADE and packaged 100% in the USA!
GermProof is a revolutionary breakthrough in germ control, not just some new hand sanitizer. It contains no alcohol or chemicals whatsoever and is all-natural. It heals wounds, burns, infections, athlete's foot, skin tags, and insect bug bites, including all hornet stings, and instantly stops the itch and pain, rashes, dermatitis, acne, chapped lips, and so much more.
GermProof is all-natural and made from chelated silver and fungi-derived Chitosan, which is also anti-bacterial. GermProof prevents infections and stops infections in as little as two days; it works on counters and other hard surfaces for up to 24 hours. GermProof provides a residual long, lasting all-natural barrier against viruses and superbugs. GermProof also, if applied to a sunburn soon after, will stop it from peeling, and if sprayed on psoriasis, it will diminish them and soothe the skin. GermProof even works great to lessen Rosacea!
GermProof heals dry, cracked hands caused by alcohol sanitizers. It can also be sprayed on hands and feet to create a residual protective barrier that lasts for hours against dangerous viruses, bad bacteria, and superbugs. GermProof can also be sprayed in the nose and ears for lasting virus protection for hours. It is all-natural and non-toxic.
GermProof also takes care of athlete's foot, acne, and eczema, including Dyshidrotic Eczema! It also works on razor nick bleeds, stops the bleeding quickly, and works on all other minor bleeds. Use GermProof on cold sores and even warts for fast healing. Heals wounds and most other skin ailments 10x faster with no scarring. Great to spray on diabetic foot and so much more. Safe to use on pets too, children, and even babies!
GermProof® Complex, the patented active ingredient in GermProof®, combines the well-established all-natural, 100% safe anti-microbial properties of chelated silver with a naturally occurring polymer via vegan chitosan that creates a long-lasting germproof barrier on skin for hours per application. Not to be confused with colloidal silver. There is a huge difference between the two.
'Chelated' refers to silver ions that are attached to the chitosan molecule, turning them cationic or positively charged. This positive charge causes the particle to adhere to the naturally negatively-charged skin. 'Colloidal Silver', on the other hand, is a suspension of elemental silver that will not adhere to the skin, as it is made up of solid particles. Most colloidal products are taken orally.
Chelated silver is more easily applied and more amenable to animal and human physiology than is colloidal silver. Documented laboratory testing has also demonstrated that chelated silver is [up to 10 times] more efficacious in preventing and eradicating a broad spectrum of microbes [including staph infections] and skin maladies.
GermProof® creates a unique molecule that provides a safe, highly effective, personal, and medical skincare protector, with the research to prove it! GermProof® also lasts on hard surfaces and keeps on working as a bacteria and virus protector barrier for up to 24hrs!
GermProof®, when used on hands and feet or any skin area, provides a protective GermProof® barrier that neutralizes germs on contact and continues to work for hours, it's a superior all-natural alternative over hand sanitizers.
Such technology has never before been seen. This is something alcohol can't do, and GermProof® doesn't dry out your skin as alcohol does. GermProof® is also safe to apply inside nostrils, nasal passages, and inside ear canals to leave an all-natural protective GermProof® anti-microbial barrier against airborne germs that lasts for hours at a time. Reapply if you blow your nose.
GermProof® works effectively well also on psoriasis, wounds such as cuts, abrasions, lacerations, open blisters, sunburn, and other minor burns. It helps and prevents, Mrsa infections, Staph infections, Cellulitis infections, Pseudomonas, E.coli, C-Diff, Athletes foot, Acne, Eczema, Infections, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, those with Diabetes to prevent infections. It stops infections in insect bites and stings and lessens up the itch dramatically. It soothes and diminishes razor burn, stops bleeding with razor nicks, helps heal Rosacea, warts, shingles, and so much more! It works to speed up healing and to ensure healing is healthy.
- GermProof® Complex is not an antibiotic, and there is no known bacterial resistance.
- GermProof® Complex has been scientifically proven to stop MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
- Unlike triple antibiotics, GermProof® creates a GermProof barrier over skin as a general daily protector. On wounds, it prevents and fights infection for up to 3 days. When used on wounds, this does not work like a band-aid. It's not meant to stop or close bleeding, although it will help to reduce bleeding especially minor bleeding. GermProof® is like an invisible force field that protects from germs ongoing!
- GermProof® is child-safe and hypoallergenic.
- The active ingredients in GermProof® Complex are naturally derived and non-toxic.
- GermProof® contains no alcohol, triclosan, silicone, fragrance, parabens, or oils and is free of all allergens. It's also not sticky and is odor-free, it will not dry out hands either like alcohol or benzalkonium chloride does
- Size: 1 Oz or 30 ml, 200 sprays approx. Carries perfectly in pocket, you'll hardly know it's there!
- Ingredients: Chelated Silver (200 ppm), Distilled water, Vegan Chitosan, Natural Polycationic Polymers, Glycerin, L-Arginine
- Directions for use: Clean area of desired use if possible and when using GermProof®on hands and feet for general purpose as a daily protector, spray-on front and back of hands, on soles of feet and heels and in between toes. Allow 30-45 seconds to neutralize all germs and to dry. When spraying inside nostrils. Nasal passages and Ear canals, one good spray should suffice for several hours approx. If you blow your nose reapply. If applying to a wound, clean and clear the wound first, dress the wound with a sterile gauze or secondary dressing, and reapply 1-3 times daily or as needed and allow to dry. On wounds and burns, it is sufficient for up to 24 hours. On hands and feet, it is effective for approximately 4-8 hours, depending on exposure conditions. Storage Instructions: Keep at 55-88 Fahrenheit for storage. The expiry date is 30 months.
270 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
"Miracle" GermProof
GermProof is truly a "Miracle" product that everyone should have in their tool chest. I have personally seen it successfully treat my family for unexplained skin rashes, bug bites, skin infections secondary to injuries and plantar warts. I am a retired licensed RN with a 44 yr history of working ICU and Burn Units so my "evaluation" skills have been tested. My 5 yr old granddaughter had a plantar wart on her foot that was treated unsuccessfully for over a yr with multiple approaches, some painful, by a dermatologist. After using GermProof for about a week, the wart diminished in size and eventually disappeared. After a yr, it has NOT returned to the amazement of my granddaughter and her family. I offer this evaluation because I spent a lifetime supporting wellness- and GermProof is a bargain with high therapeutic outcomes.
Great Customer Service
When the entire world tried to cancel germproof, Greg kept pushing ahead. If it wasn't for Germproof my wife may not ne here today. There are no words to describe the level of customer service unreserved. The silver spray is some king of alchemy (just kidding) but I cut myself and used the silver spray and it healed so much fast. Thank you again. I wish I could give 10 stars
Germ Proof
Great stuff !! I used this before for almost anything: runny nose, skinned up elbow, sore throat, blemishes, itchy toes. And the Grandkids use it on everything also. Highly recommend to try this one time. You will be hooked.
I am excited about getting the germ proof spray.
Germproof is amazing especially on burns. Simply a Magical potion! I have a bottle everywhere and never leave home without it!
I’m amazed - great service and wonderful product
I can’t comment enough how amazing the service and staff is. I never write reviews in my life but seriously will be back based on how fast the service and response was . My girlfriend desperately needed and within minutes got a response and help!! A+
Germ Proof
This is one amazing product that brings healing to so many issues. I usually don't respond quickly to very many natural products but this one gave me a wonderful surprise. I am so grateful for this product and say a great big thank you for creating it. I hope that more products are created in the future. Thank you for everything.
Going in everyone’s stocking this year!
I’ve been purchasing Germproof for a few years now. It’s wonderful to have handy. Great for scrapes, cuts, burns and it even works for eczema! It’s also a great sanitizer. I’m giving it to everyone in my family this year!
The uses for GermProof seem never ending. My teenage daughter uses it for any acne breakouts. In fact, I almost have to hide my extra bottles because she is always grabbing them and taking them to her room.